Population Per Province

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(Population of Ulster NI is 1893,667 – Population of Ulster RI is 296,754)

Ireland is one of the World’s wealthiest countries but most of this wealth is concentrated in the Greater Dublin area. The population of the Irish Republic is approaching 5 million while the population of Northern Ireland is approaching 2 million.
So with nearly 7 million people on the island, there is growing demand and competition for housing, transport services, education and health services in the most economically developed areas.
An analysis of the numbers highlights the growing disparity between the different regions of Ireland.
The IDP believes that a federal provincial governance structure will solve some of these problems.


Chart by Visualizer

The GDP per capita for the provinces of Connacht and Ulster is far behind that of both Leinster and Munster.
The simple reason is that the majority high paying jobs are in these two provinces. The State has failed to deliver balanced regional development over the past century and without a new radical beginning, these issues will not be addressed.

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