Our 3 Objectives:

Elected Provincial Assemblies

Provincial Public Services

◾ Provincial Investment Incentives

Ireland is one of the most centralised countries in the World with most of the economic growth on the East coast.
Ireland is becoming a city state. By creating provincial administrations, there will be significant economic and social upsides for all of Ireland.

Politicians have talked about the goal of ‘Balanced Regional Development’ for decades. The goal of ‘Balanced Regional Development’ is meaningless as it lacks any clear objectives so in effect is not a goal. 
Balanced regional development will only be achieved when real power and real budgets are devolved to elected Provincial Assemblies. 
There are already 3 Regional Assemblies in place which are essentially powerless talking shops :

  • Northern and Western region.
  • Eastern and Midlands region.
  • Southern region.

If Dublin and other cities are to get powerful Mayors, then it is likely that the regions will be left further behind.

On the East coast of Ireland, citizens are suffering from the negative effects of overpopulation such as housing shortages, traffic congestion and high prices.
In other parts of Ireland, citizens are suffering from depopulation resulting in the withdrawal of services and dereliction of towns and villages.
Most of our County Councils are too small to effect real change and our Government is too centralised to address the main regional issues. 
Income per head in Connaught and Ulster lags far behind Leinster and Munster.

Chart by Visualizer

The IDP believes it is time to harness the power of the provinces more effectively in order to attain regional economic equality.
Our local government structure has not had a radical overhaul since the foundation of the state and the IDP believes that empowering the provinces is the obvious way forward. 
It is quite apparent that a radical restructuring of the administration of Ireland to ensure regional economic development would benefit all four provinces.

We are in the process of drawing up detailed policies and are seeking submissions from interested parties. 
Please submit your policy ideas through our Submit Policy Form. 

We are also currently raising funds to launch our marketing campaign. If you are interested in contributing to our campaign, please contact us today.  


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